Thursday 9 October 2008

Should I stay or should I go now...?

"If I go there will be trouble, An' if I stay there will be double." The Clash hit the nail right on the head with that one.
After months of talking about leaving Bermuda, I got hit in the face with the cold hard facts on coming back from Vegas.
Is it beautiful here? Absolutely. And the weather? Perfect. It's a pretty good lifestyle too...always outdoors, in and on the water. And it will always be the place of my birth and a place I would be happy to come and vacation.
I am not happy.
Rents and the cost of living are sky-rocketing and it is becoming financially un-viable to live on ones own.
Crime has taken a serious and very scary upward spiral.
The present Government is a sham and a shambles, and their talk of independence from the UK is like listening to spoilt children in the playground boasting about their toys with no notion of what their parents go through in order for them to have those toys.
I will never own my own home here.
I will never be able to retire here.
And the man-pool is murky at best.
I'm only ever happy when I am on the beach or when I am with a handful of particular friends.
At all other times I have been unhappy. And that is not a natural state for me.
So, I can blow this place and go look for my destiny.
Or I could stay and be bored and depressed.
Put like that there really isn't a contest, is there?

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