Sunday, 20 July 2008

T.Rex...yeah baby!!

My CD of Marc Bolan and T.Rex's greatest hits finally arrived. I've been wanting this CD for ages...ever since a friend of mine who is in advertising created an ad for a local cellular phone company using 'Ride a White Swan'...I eventually got around to ordering it and now it's here and I've been rocking out!! And considering I've also been body-surfing (at the beach, cheap seats!) all afternoon I'm wondering how my body is going to feel tomorrow!

I'd almost forgotten the thrill of body-surfing...last summer I was post-accident and it was out of the question to throw myself into a huge cresting wave and ride it to far this summer I have usually had a just-3-year old attached to me, and much to my credit, and I'm sure his Mummy's relief, it just hasn't occurred to me.
I made up for that this afternoon!
The waves were perfect, enough to get a good ride, not so much that it bordered on dangerous.
At one point a friend, Dave, who was at the beach with us, joined me and having never done it before was all up for it. I took him in on one small, tame wave first and oh yeah, he was ready for a full-on breaker! We didn't have to wait long before I gave him the signal and off we went...coming up gasping in the gritty surf, laughing. I had lost a bracelet, pulled right off my arm by the force (pretty, but cheap fortunately), and caught up in it all I started to stand in the surf shouting to Dave about my bracelet...not realizing that I had also lost my top!
Luckily Dave is a gentleman and a little later, sitting drying off on the beach with the rest of the troupes, denied seeing anything. Sorry Mark, he's NOT going to tell you!

Hmmm....seem to have gotten a bit off topic..... I loved them. When I was young my father used to regularly get a compilation album called 'Top of the Pops' and it gave me a love of certain music that other Bermudian children weren't hearing. My lasting favourite T.Rex song is 'Ride a White Swan' hence the inspiration to finally buy a CD. However, in listening to the CD I've remembered that way back then my faves were 'Hot Love' and 'Jeepster'....I was 6!!! Jeeez. If you know these songs you may wonder at how completely inappropriate that is!!
I blame the clapping bits and the la-la-la-la's...awfully compelling to a 6-year old!

Besides, during this same stage, I also inherited a t-shirt from my aunt (who is only nine years older than me) that had on the front of it a picture of a Tall Ship and the words 'Friggin' in the Riggin''.
It was a favourite. And I never heard a word about it.

I guess, in both instances, my parents figured it was all just best left unsaid. Afterall, it's not like I asked them what 'friggin'' was....I just thought I was wearing a cool teenager's t-shirt and dancing to my parent's tunes!


Anonymous said...

How come the wrong person never has the camera at the right time? ;-)

Steph said...

Oh there were cameras a-plenty...lucky for me that none were aimed in my direction at that moment!

Anonymous said...

We'll see if you were lucky, keep your eye out on "" and "" to see if anyone did have a camera you're not aware of. BTW, you're aware that most cell phones have cams now? Video too...

(anyone have that video? I'll pay $20 for it!)

Steph said...

Wouldn't that be funny!
Sorry dude, that's $20 you'll be able to keep!

Steph said...

Is that ALL?!