Monday, 7 July 2008

Big Bad Bertha? Hope not!

Bertha, Bertha go away.
Don’t come back another day!
Great…we’re in a drought with no rain for weeks…and now there’s a hurricane threatening. It’s the first on the books for the year and it’s aiming right at us. Great.
According to the weather news this evening it’s still a little too early to tell but at the moment it looks like it’s going to be a real close call. We’ve been warned to check our emergency supplies and to set our radio dials to the government warning channel for regular updates.
How the heck, when the electricity goes off, are we going to be able to pull buckets of water out of dry tanks? How????
Earlier this afternoon the clouds gathered…every day the rain clouds, but no rain…and all of a sudden big fat drops fell from the sky. Yay! I thought…finally!
Two minutes later, and no more than those fat drops, and it was over. The tease was enough to set the tree-frogs singing, but they soon gave up, slowly silencing as they realised that there was going to be no lovely downpour after all.
Unfortunately a hurricane doesn’t necessarily mean rain…and even if it does bucket down, it is usually caught by the wind, which is an inescapable part of a hurricane, and doesn’t make it into the tanks, or is so mixed with salt spray that it is undrinkable.
Storm rain is rarely what we call ‘tank rain’…that straight-as-an-arrow-from-the-cloud-to the-ground-rain that will flood the roofs, down the pipes and into the tank. Wind is the enemy in that equation!
I guess we’ve got a tense week ahead. Keep you fingers crossed for us.
Stupid Bertha.


Anonymous said...

Thinking good thoughts for you and all on the islands that Bertha does whatever she's not suppose to do to come anywhere near you. Scary stuff...

Anonymous said...

All of us here in North Carolina who lived thru Hugo are thinking about ya'll. Looks like a dang big storm.

Steph said...

Thanks guys! She's been downgraded and has slowed down. Maybe it'll all turn out to be a storm in a tea cup....ha ha ha! to drag the buckets out just in case....