Tuesday, 1 May 2007


Gosh I'm in a foul mood now.
On the way to work this morning I put my feet down from the bike at the first stop sign I encountered and as I lifted them back up again the right foot felt a bit strange. Well, not so much the foot as the shoe. I looked down and lifted the foot a bit and sure enough the sole of the shoe was coming off! It got worse each time I had to put my feet down and by the time I was trying to walk up the path at work it was completely off except for the heel. I had to drag my foot along the ground sideways in order not to trip. Of course, I could also have taken the shoe off and walked the last few yards with one bare foot. But that would have been too much like common sense.
I'm really just amazed that I didn't break my neck coming down the stairs at home!
Then, at lunch time I decided to go into town. And that right there is enough to ruin anyone's day! But I really wanted to check this one place out.....one of the big department store's newly opened 'discount' outlet. Thought I'd go on in and see if there was anything worth it in there or if it was just going to be the dregs...the completely un-sellable stuff.
It's a bit of both. There is some stuff that just should never have been for sale in a store ever, anywhere, no matter how discounted. But there's also some nicer stuff...the very last of certain items. I found a few gems and headed for the dressing room, where some of those gems turned out to be plastic baubles. But there were three items I was quite thrilled with, including a pair of jeans which I LOVED and which is particularly unusual for me. Being a dyed in the wool....or denim, (ha ha I'm so funny!)...Levis girl I rarely find jeans, or any other kind of casual trouser, that I like and that fits and are long enough and that I can afford outside of the Levis store. So, this was a real find and I headed out of the dressing room, really happy and thinking about my first chance to wear them....I'd have to do it soon as jeans weather is very nearly over.
I get up to the counter and the sales lady begins ringing up my sale and then starts fiddling with the security device on the jeans.....and couldn't get it off. Then I cried. They are going to try another way of getting the device off and call me. But.....DAMN!!
So, I was late back to work because I spent so much time looking round the stupid store, and it took a long time to drive back to work whilst sobbing.
When I got back I went around to the back door which we all use to come and go, leaving the front door for the patients. And...and...Oh.My.God. There was a huge f*ck off lizard on the corner of the building, just at the narrowest part of the path. Needless to say I quietly had a heart attack and ran back to the front door. Screw the patients.
Now, FYI, work is making me stressed and annoyed these days regardless as I am on the outs with the office manager since a big blow up we had last week. He owes me a bloody apology and for some reason I can't seem to get past that. Well, Dr. O had asked Office Manager to do some sort of favour for him this morning....I have no clue what but somehow it has ended up in OM leaving Dr. O's helmet somewhere. Dr. O went out to ride his bike home to get ready for his flight this afternoon, and lo and behold, no helmet! He has had to borrow mine to get home while OM goes to retrieve Dr. O's so that I have a helmet to wear home. Problem is that Dr. O won't be back until next week, so I have to ride around with a helmet that we don't even know will fit me...for a week! Bugger! Bloody Office Manager!
Add to all that, my nose is bugging me so much that I swear I would chop it off if I could. Hide all the knives.
I am suffering from allergies to a previously unheard of extent. Yesterday, as I sniffed my way through a conversation with Dr. O in a voice so nasal I seriously sounded like some sort of cartoon character, he asked me what I was taking and how long had it been now. I told him that it had been about a week now but I wasn't taking anything. He gave me such an exasperated look that it shamed me into going to the chemist and picking up some nasal spray and some tablets. Well, they're working. I can breathe through my nostrils again. But the itchy, irritated, sneezy, soreness is killing me!
And now it is just about time to go home and I haven't had one email all day. Not one. Not even work related (rare at the best of times anyway).
Nobody loves me today. Not even my Mummy?!
Lucky for me I have a bottle of wine at home with my name on it.
Edited to Add: The shop just called and they got the security thingie off of my jeans! Yay! AND they're open until 5:30 so I have time to get there to pick them up! Yay!
Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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