Monday, 12 March 2007

Weekend Blues

What a strange weekend!
I didn't get to go out on Friday night as everyone was doing something or being lame.
The weather on Saturday was downright sh*tty and about the only productive thing I managed was to clean Sneaky Pete's bowl. Also, I discovered that the fish food was past its best before date of June 2006. This just might explain why he hasn't seemed very hungry recently. Who knew that fish food could go off? And just how are you supposed to tell when it smells so vile in the first place? (Yes, I know, the best before date, duh)
The only high point of Saturday was a brief visit from Jude, who is in from London with Nick, and without the kiddos. It was great to have a catch-up as I missed her Christmas visit but it was a shame not to see the wee ones. It was also pleasantly strange to see Jude so kiddo-sick. As she said, we would never have thought it when we were younger.
Anyhoo... I then wasted Saturday evening waiting for a friend, J, to call as promised and do something. He never called...still hasn't contacted me at all in fact, 1pm Monday. This is the second time he's pulled a stunt like this, so that's it. Zero tolerance. NEXT!
Sunday was better in the weather department, which is always a boost for the spirits, and I spent a pleasant few hours in the sunshine with K & T, and T's son Tjr, going around the golf course looking for foliage to use when we decorate for their wedding in two weeks. Then T took Tjr off for a snack and K and I had a cuppa and designed her head piece and hair style and discussed the flowers.
By the time they left it was time to start the Sunday evening routine of dinner and getting things ready for the week ahead...and all of a sudden you realize the weekend is over.
Just like that.

Addendum: To top off such a poor weekend, when I walked into work this morning Gail said she had seen my brother on Saturday night at the Teachers RFC Fight Night. HOW did I miss that? I am out of the loop! That's what happens when I don't go out on Friday. I don't hear about anything and miss out on all the fun! And then I sit around waiting for some jerk who never calls.
Note to self: Do not miss Friday Happy Hour again.

Ha!...just noticed, in the editing box, the suggested 'Labels for this post', scooters, vacation, fall. Perfect tags for Bermuda.
Actually...wait...not so funny considering my recent scooter calamity. Hm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.