Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Peace of mind

Over time you realise that there are some very simple things that can give you comfort...peace of mind. They are not extravagant or elaborate things...not necessarily intentionally given or sought.
Yet, when they reveal themselves, you suddenly realise you have been, in essence, holding your breath and maybe didn't even realise that.
There are, of course, many things that give us peace of mind that we are conscious of... the things we seek in times of stress, distress, sadness, unhappiness, anger, or just flux. That phone call to a certain friend, or a parent....excercise....meditation...introspection....time spent with friends....a day on the beach....a DRINK!
But sometimes things just happen out of the blue....still quite ordinary...a phone call, an email, unplanned time spent with friends. And something about it simply makes everything right in the world for you. And you realise that you can suddenly breathe again.
Today I can thank one of my brothers, the NZ6 and JSC for deep breaths at bedtime!

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Shiny new stuff everywhere.....

I've started two new blogs...
The Hogfishbeacon Photos and The Hogfishbeacon Quotes and Poetry.
Really original headliners there, I know...not...but I wanted to keep it simple and self-explanatory, and I think some people think 'Hogfishbeacon' is enough originality for one blogger!
And it really is self-explanatory. The first is for my more artistic endeavours in photography and playing around with images, and the second to begin to record some of my favourite quotes, sayings, poems, or just snatches of poetry...some will even be my own!
Hopefully they will bring enjoyment to other people, not just me.
I don't know how to post links here but if you click on the 'About Me'...uh, you know, mine, not yours...you will see the links there.
This should be enough to do to keep me out of trouble!