Monday, 30 June 2008
But I wonder, if Frankie-boy had ever turned around and called her an ugly old bag, or dropped her like a hot potato once he reached the White House, would she have had to add a caveat? “…without your consent. Uh, depending who that person might be.”
Because let’s face it, what she says is true. It is our choice how we feel about anything, everything, how others behave towards us, or the things they say. And if we feel inferior, it is because we are allowing ourselves to feel so. We have chosen to feel that way.
We are supposed to use our self-esteem and self-confidence to know our self worth and realise that the thing said/done against us has more to do with the issues the person who said/did it is facing, rather than with the person it is directed at.
But…and of course there’s a but!....if that person is someone you love and trust and respect, someone whose advice and counsel you rely on, when that person tells you that you are worthless…well, what are you supposed to think?
It is still ultimately true that it is more a reflection of them than of you, but how can you not take it to heart at the time?
When you love and trust another person, you automatically hand them the power to hurt you. Like it or not. And it’s WAY hard to get past. You have to go through a whole exercise of picking up the shreds of your ego and putting it back together again. Desperately trying to remember exactly why you ever thought you were worth it in the first place.
And the next step is to withdraw that automatically bestowed consent.
Learn your lesson properly and that person will never be able to make you feel inferior again.
As it turns out, Mrs. Roosevelt was also the person that inspired ‘fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me’, which is a modern bastardisation of her quote, “If someone betrays you once, it is their fault; if they betray you twice, it is your fault.”
Oh yeah, Eleanor definitely knew she needed that caveat.
Saturday, 28 June 2008
Dud...but then....
I really wasn’t in the mood for a party but got dragged along by Jillian and Michelle…all Jillian had to say was, “Steeeppphhhh….” and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to stay at home and wallow in misery in peace!
And of course I’m glad I went. It’s another one of those events where you see people you haven’t seen since the last time. Ridiculous considering we live on 26 square miles and you could fit our entire population into a football stadium! So last night was catch up with the yachties night…and a chance to ogle at some very yummy sailors!!
And you can never be miserable for long when you’re out with that pair. Jillian and I could have a laugh regardless where we are, but with Michelle for entertainment…well, let’s just say that Michelle is done after just 2 drinks, really, that’s kind of her limit…a bit of a lightweight. Thing is, she doesn’t stop there and she gets extra flirtatious when she’s drunk…there is no entertainment quite like drunk Michelle.
But the party itself was a real flop. The yachty crowd were not mingling as much as usual. The bar situation was really badly organised and it took AGES to get a drink. And there was a certain social element in attendance that gave it a seedy, dangerous edge. They were probably drawn by one of the bands, Home Grown, who play a pretty hardcore reggae set, and since it was free and security was completely absent, they were out in force. I heard this afternoon that there was a stabbing later in the night. I can only hope that the gangs were infighting and it wasn’t some hapless visitor who was victim.
The other band, the only one that we saw, are called Secret Po Po. I saw them recently in the back room at Docksiders and was most impressed. They range in age between 17 and 19, and yet they have a varied playlist and an impressive stage presence. Unfortunately last night they sounded tinny and the lead singer off key. Maybe it was the set up, maybe the outdoor staging, maybe just a bad day at the office. Shame.
After 2 Corona Light (or sorry is it ‘Lite’ =S) and a very crappy glass of (ug) chardonnay, I’d had enough, so had Jillian. Not so Michelle! With here raring to go into town we left her in like-minded company and started to head out.
So a night I thought I wouldn’t enjoy at all, in fact resisted to the last minute, turned out to be just fine, fun in fact, despite the event itself being a dud.
Now, recently I’ve been putting a lot of things aside, not just painting, or laundry, or cleaning the bathtub. But people too. And tonight, in addition to actually having fun, 2 things happened to turn the night around in a big way.
First, earlier in the evening I got a call from my friend John in Sweden. Haven’t spoken to him in a little while since I told him I was committed elsewhere….ha! Anyways he’s missed me and still wants to come visit! It may be too late now to arrange a visit for the summer but Christmas is the next idea, and if I make it to Scotland (as is the vague plan, shhhhh! don’t say anything to my mum and dad) John will fly over to Edinburgh to meet me there. Just a shame this summer’s visit may not pan out due to a whole pile of bullshit.
And second, just as Jillian and I were deciding to leave I got a call from CK, my old FWB, who I have been ignoring due to the same pile of bullshit mentioned before. He came and picked me up and as we walked Jillian to her car she turned around to see us holding hands (WELL…it has been a while and all!) and said she wished she had a camera! Erm…no. But it sure was good to see him again. And at least I woke up with a smile this morning!
Thursday, 26 June 2008
The Monday morning blues?...It's Wednesday evening!!!!
Over the past few months I have also found it difficult to settle into my usual evening/weekend pastimes. There has been a sense of anticipation that made it almost impossible to sit still enough to paint, read or play the piano. It had seemed worth it, a little hiatus, a vacation if you will, whilst I waited for something more important to play out.
How I wish I could settle down to them now. I will have to re-read whole chapters just to remind myself exactly where Robert the Bruce was when I last left him. I will have to have every door and window shut tight when I finally sit down at the piano, only to spare the neighbours the sound of my rusty mistakes. My paintings in progress are covered in a fine layer of dust and I barely remember what I was doing with them.
“So! Just get on with it!” I hear you say.
Good news is that I actually managed to get one load of laundry in the washer…whites….yay! Edited to add: AND in and out of the dryer!
But I simply can’t focus on any of it. The Bruce was, last I remember, having a raging, blatant affair with Christina of the Isles whilst his wife languishes under English guard, but I know I had gotten beyond that and FFS I don’t want to have to go back to that part again. I have WAY too many romantic songs in my pathetic repertoire, which sound merely melancholic right now, even when plunked out so poorly (or maybe that is why?) And I feel too inadequate even to pick up my brushes to paint something for Lucas’s birthday…never mind finish the painting that is Danielle’s wedding gift.
I hate what has happened.
I went round to Bruce’s for a shot of ‘reality’ and felt not SO bad…but home again and yeah, still no answers. Can’t even bother combing the rat tails out of my hair following my shower…feel lucky I even managed a shower!
Maybe there’s someone out there who wants a smelly, dread-locked and disillusioned woman? Never know, might get lucky with that. I’ll keep you posted.
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Meet my friends....
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Sauna anyone?
Sounds idyllic doesn't it?
Maybe it would be if it wasn't for the humidity. It's damp in the winter...making it feel colder than it actually is...and in the summer? whoa! sauna.
Tonight we sat in the garden at Minton for a farewell dinner for Lucy, who is heading home to Mexico to tend to her cancer-ridden mother who has just been given a very poor prognosis.
It was a bittersweet occasion. Many people were congratulating Bruce and Lucy on their newly announced engagement. And we had a cake...with sparklers!!! smuggled into the island by a friend and donated for the occasion....household fireworks are illegal in Bermuda! =( celebrate Lucy's 30th birthday. Which we were supposed to celebrate next week. And as always the food was amazing and the, entertaining! Ha ha! Anyone who has had dinner at Bruce's knows what I mean!
But still. The farewell part. We know we will see Lucy again soon...hasta la pronto, I think she said? But as we sat there, with Lucy feeling terrible, but putting a brave face on, and I trying to reassure her that, of course she was doing the right thing, she said in her charmingly broken English, '' The problem is, I don't know what to feel. I don't want to go so soon after I arrived and I want to come back as soon as possible. But I know that coming back will mean my mother is gone.''
What do you say to that???
I looked her in the eyes, as they teared up, and said ''You have to do what you must. And you will be strong for your mother. You will give her joy by being there and that is the greatest thing you can do for her at the moment.''
She nodded. How inadequate it seemed.
I'm sorry. What was my original point???? Oh yes, humidity!! In the past few days the humidity has sat in the 90's. % that is for those of you that don't have to deal with it.
Everything is wet. My hair won't dry. A towel used for a shower the day before is still damp when you reach for it.
Tonight sitting in the garden it was actually palpable. You could feel the wetness settling on your skin...exactly like it was starting to sprinkle with rain, but the sky was clear.
Yes. Summer is here. And all good Bermudians, having moaned all winter about the cold (sorry all northeners), will now start to moan about the heat. Especially the humidity!
I keep reminding myself that my grandmother always said that humidity is a skin's best friend.
And I have to admit that I am only bothered by it Monday through Friday....if I didn't have to work in it maybe I wouldn't mind it at all.
But, no. I, like all other Onions, I'm bitching...hard...

Sunday, 22 June 2008
Childhood on the beach
Seeing his pure joy at each new discovery, at simply standing in the surf, or digging a hole in the sand really takes me back in time. I don't have too many actual memories of myself at that age (tho tons of my brothers) but there are many photographs to show I did exactly the same thing. Everytime I look at them it gives me a warm feeling to know I had such a fresh-air, sun, sand and sea filled childhood, with a father who was willing to stand with me in the surf, much as Jillian does (and me too...we have to take's boring for us at our advanced age!!)
Lucas has been getting braver every week, more willing to stand in a bit of surf by want to wander off looking for a rock pool to sit in, by actually touch that shed crab shell.
Today we finally swam ''in the blue water''. Myself be willing, and Jillian not so much, I waded out with Lucas clinging to me like a leech...squealing with every fresh splash...wait, maybe that was me?....and we spent a good part of the afternoon jumping in the swell. And with his chubby little toddler legs gripped around my waist and a stranglehold around my neck he kept saying, ''Don't worry, I got you''. Bless.
Eventually he relaxed enough to lay on the surface with me holding him up. I told him to kick and whirled him in circles to shouts of delight at the fact that he was ''swimming so fast!''
I wish so much that I had video of that, mainly for myself, but in a way it doesn't matter because I know that I am a part of creating memories for a child that he will never forget.
Last week the wind picked up a piece of paper he had been holding and blew it a few feet away. ''Quick, quick!'' we both said, ''Get it!'' And that child chased that piece of paper halfway down the beach on his tiny little legs, zig-zagging, stopping and starting, and every now and then looking back to see where Mummy was. Mummy and Aunty Steph were still sitting where he'd left them, on their beach towels.....peeing themselves laughing.
Mummy did eventually go stop him but by that time he had the whole beach in stitches as well!
Seriously? How lucky are we to live on such a beautiful island? Where we can stand in the surf, laugh, paddle in rock pools and swim in 'blue water' and all the while creating life-long memories in such a simple way.
And Lucas will never know it but he saved me today. He took my mind away from a bunch of shitiness and told me what I needed to hear ''Don't worry, I got you.'' From the mouths of babes.
FYI: Today Jillian did eventually rise to the occasion and for the first time this year actually entered the sea. Good job buddy!
Saturday, 21 June 2008
To those who may or may not be concerned...
The truth is yet to be unmasked.
When one believes in love one always opens oneself up for hurt or disappointment. When one feels the need to query it over and over again....hmmm, bordering on dumb.
But I'm blonde so ...bear with me... I mean, how much questioning do you actually have to do when looking for someone to love?
I always look at things first in the context as friends...good thing for all the ladies and maybe why I have so many wonderful girlfriends...but it's a great way to get to know guys too...I mean, really, if there's anything else to it you'll find out soon enough!
A good friend told me not so long ago to start looking outside of my own 'locality'. Let's face it, Bermuda ain't the greatest when it comes to the dating pool.
I took her advice and started looking outside the box.
It has gotten me ooooohhhh lots of 'chances' has actually made me a few friends...and it has disappointed me in a big way x3.
Once of those 3 has actually broken my heart.
Box, wherefore art thou needst to know thy needst to know the rules of the 'playas'!!!!
I've had a really rough few weeks (not that you'd know by the OH so frequent updates =P, so, um oops!) but someone who has held my hand, walked and talked me through it all, offered all kinds of remote, and monetary, and emotional, and physical support has turned out to be someone I cannot rely on. In the least. In fact, determined by his heretofore unknown circumstances, I will no doubt never hear from him again. Sorry 'long term partner'.
Well, go figure!
The thing is, we all know that losing a friend, in no matter what context, hurts. Losing somenone you telling the pain.
But in an internet or cyber (wtf ever!) kind of love it seems to be 'yeah, double that with a side of 'I told you so' from the cheap seats.
Well, but wait, I really thought there was something there!
I'm sorry, Idiot was it?
Friday, 13 June 2008
Good grief, how long has it been?????
They hooked up sometime while I was in the UK and by the time I came back to Bermuda they had made a move to London where Rob busked the subways and such.
They came back to Bermuda raised a young family but have decided that they'd rather raise their kids in the UK, without the bigotry that can pervade every facet of life in Bermuda, but especially the school system. So off to Old Blighty again. And they seem so settled and happy, and I am so happy for them.
Never fear, they are people that I will always hold in my heart and always be happy to see, along with their lovely family. I miss knowing that they are in the rather unfortunate way that Bermudians often feel, but take for granted!
The product of an environment where people are constantly coming and going...and sometimes coming and going again!