Wednesday, 28 February 2007


I quite like Wednesday. We have a quiet morning in the office with one doctor over at the hospital and the other not seeing patients until the afternoon. It gives us a bit of room to breathe, which we need after Tuesday.
Tuesday is crazy busy and often involves a lot of running over to the hospital to pick up x-rays or MRIs. On Tuesday I get none of my own work done at all because so much time is spent helping the receptionist run the office or dealing with patients.
It stands to reason that Monday would be quiet for us as both doctors are in the OR. Monday is when we can prepare for the week, pull charts, do some filing. But, see, Monday is the day after the Weekend. The Weekend - when every. single. patient. runs out of medication and/or decides they cannot take their pain any longer and MUST speak with the doctor. Now. No matter how, or how often they are told, they cannot seem to comprehend that these men are surgeons and spend half of their time in the hospital. They wonder why they are not here in the office all day every day. Their GP is, why aren't they? So, they called an hour ago and the doctor still hasn't called back! The pharmacy still hasn't received the prescription! Why not?!
Monday is spent trying to explain to patients why we cannot pull the doctor out of the OR so that they can get their DF118, right now. And it's exhausting because you know they are in pain, and when people are in pain they're not always at their most polite, if you know what I mean, but we have to be professional, courteous...and patient (ha ha!) with them.
I spend most of Monday asking myself why our patients never seem to realize that they need more of this medication, that is so important to them, before they get down to their last one.
Thursday and Friday are a blur. Early starts for early clinics. Seriously ready to go home by 10:30am. The only redeemer about Friday is that it is at least the end of the week.
On Wednesday I already have Monday and Tuesday behind me and I can look forward to the Weekend without being stuck in the middle of Thursday or Friday.
Yes, I quite like Wednesday.
PS. It's not really 5:34am as the post time is telling me. It's 10.08am here in Bermuda. Must figure how to change that...what is it anyway? Hawaii time??

Monday, 26 February 2007

Break time and I'm still a blank. So. The weather. Here in Bermuda it's somewhat overcast, breezy and cool (about 65F) but thankfully the foul weather of the past few days is just that, past. It was howling, gale force winds, rain and very cold (for us...about 55 -58F-ish). We're just not prepared for that kind of cold and I spent the weekend huddled under blankets watching movies with a small space heater going full blast. Pathetic. I didn't want to venture out on my bike after having been literally blown over on my way home on Friday. Just minding my own business, waiting for the rush-hour traffic to start moving, when a gust blew me right over, in the middle of the road...Embarrassing. Considering my recent bad accident (that's a whole other story...hey, wait, I did have something I could've written about) it shook me up a little driving in that wind so I decided I wasn't going anywhere I couldn't walk to until it died down. That finally happened this morning. Which is too bad as it would have been an interesting excuse not to come in to work!
Speaking of which, I'd better get on......

Oh and by the way...I am writing this at 3:41pm despite the 11.22am it says on this page. Thank f*ck. If it was still morning I'd seriously be crying right now.

In the beginning

After the drama I just went through to start this up I find that a) I have nothing at all to talk about just now (surprise) and b) I have run out of lunch hour and have to get back to work! Maybe I will have suddenly become interesting by break time. If not I'll just talk about the weather...that's worked on some dates.